RS-2000 Rubber Cement
RS-2000 Cold Bond Rubber Cement is suitable for all applications of bonding rubber to: Rubber, metal, concrete, wood and many other materials. The use of trichloroethylene as the solvent system results in the development of a nonflammable rubber based adhesive. Useful in all applications of conveyor belt splicing, pulley lagging and industrial lining. Since the product is non-flammable it is suitable for use in underground mines where it is not possible to use explosive or flammable materials. Especially formulated for splicing, with fast cure times.

Poisons Schedule: S6
DG Class: Class 6.1. Exposure stan-dard (TWA) 50ppm
Pack size: 1kg tins, 30kg & 300kg drums (with 50ml bottle of activator per kg). Shelf life at least 1 year.
Open time: 15-20 minutes.
Viscosity, cps.: 300
Wt/Gal, lb/gal: 7.79
Theoretical Coverage: 203.4ft2 (18.9m2)/gallon (3.78kg)
Thinner: Trichloroethylene
Typical Uses
Conveyor Belt Splicing
Pulley Lagging
Cold bonding of Rub-ber to Metal, Concrete, wood and many other materials.
Cold bonding of Rub-ber to Rubber
Strong bonding in hours
Fast and reliable ser-vice
High temperature resis-tance