Permobond® RS-PN10
Permobond® RS-PN10 Pure Tan Natural Rubber excellent for high concentrationHCL service. RS-PN10 has also good resistance to most inorganic chemicals, with the exception of strong oxidizing agents. FDA Compliant per 21CFR177.2600.

Hardness (ASTM D2240):35 +/- 5 Shore A
Tensile (ASTM D412):2600 psi (min.)
Elongation (ASTM D412):650% (min.)
Adhesion (ASTM D429):30LBS (min.)
Tear (Die C):260 Lbs/Lin. In.
Service Temperature:180°F max. (82.22°C)
Specific Gravity:.98
Typical Uses
Storage Vessels
Over the Road Vessels
Rail Cars
Excellent for high concentration HCL