Permobond® RS-5375
Permobond® RS-5375 Hard Graphite Re-enforced Natural Rubber is de-signed for excellent resistance to a wide range of solutions including resistance to wet or dry chlorine gas. FDA compliant as per 21CFR177.2600.

Hardness (ASTM D2240):45 +/- 5 Shore D
Tensile (ASTM D412):2000 psi (min.)
Elongation (ASTM D412):100% (min.)
Adhesion (ASTM D429):30LBS (min.)
Tear (Die C):450 Lbs/Lin. In.
Service Temperature:200°F max. (93.3°C)
Specific Gravity:1.13
Typical Uses
Storage Vessels
Excelent permiation to chorinated gases